
Monday 20 May 2013

A quality comment

We have been learning how to leave a positive digital footprint. We know we are doing this because we are leaving a good quality comments. Here is the comment I have left. It is positive comment and I also made a connection with the school sign.

Friday 10 May 2013


Mrs Robinson trained Room 9 in taekwondo. We learned punches and kicks because we were going to break a board in week eight. We learned the 5 tenets of  Taekwondo.  They are Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-control and Indomitable Spirit. She was a very good trainer for Room 9.

In week 1 Room 9 sat on the field and learned the student oath which was
I shall observe the tenets of Taekwon-Do.
I shall respect the instructor and seniors.
I shall never misuse Taekwon-Do.
I shall be a champion of freedom and justice.
I shall build a more peaceful world.

Mrs Robinson taught us the korean numbers 1 to 10. We counted every time we practiced punching. On our last day for taekwondo we had to break a board. I broke a green board. Mrs Robinson was a good teacher. to train with her.